The Friends of Southampton Sports Centre -
© FoSSC, 2018, all rights reserved
April 2018 Improvement Plan Update
Following on from Council Cabinet accepting the report on the 2015 Public Consultations on the draft Sports Centre Improvement Plan in April 2016, council officers have been working behind the scenes to progress the project. Council issued a tender for a detailed “options appraisal” which came forward with recommendations for the next stage of improving the facility based on the results of all the consultation work. The tender was awarded to “Places for People” who work with 35 local authorities and directly manage 118 facilities. Sport England and other sport-
Work Parties
Starting in 2016, we held regular monthly litter picks, which made a big improvement to the general tidiness. We also turned out nearly every weekend on Saturday evening or Sunday morning to empty any bins that were full and to pick litter as we went. The bins only got emptied by Council waste team twice a week and on a busy summer weekend many of them are already full by Saturday evening, resulting in piles of litter that get blown around or distributed by the wildlife. From 2018 on, the waste team are being withdrawn, making even more work for the grounds team.
These efforts removed a staggering amount of rubbish.
2016 -
2017 -
A huge thanks to the regular volunteers who turn out to give us a hand and to the Grounds team for the endless supply of bags. As well as being a valuable contribution to the site, it is also good exercise (think of the step count!) and a social occasion (we retire to The View afterwards). Why not give it a try in 2018? Timings are always advertised on our facebook page but are usually the first Saturday of the month, from 2:00 -
We also started work to redecorate block 2 toilets. We managed to get the walls of the gents cleaned, filled and painted, and the floor deep cleaned before the weather turned too cold and damp We hope to complete the gents including re-
We also have continued working on Fairway 2, all 4 ponds are now colonised by amphibian and much more. We continue to plantihedges, create habitats and the such like.
There is a huge amount that volunteers can do and dates for 2018 work parties will be advertised on our facebook page.
Come along, meet new friends and help protect, maintain and enhance your Sports Centre.
Many hands make light work
Latest News
April 2018: work on the Sports Centre Improvement Plan continues in Council and we really hope that they will be able to go public with it in Spring / Summer 2018
December 2016: Council have awarded a tender for a detailed “options appraisal” for the next step of the Sports Centre Improvement Plan, based on the recommendations from the 2015 public consultations and the resulting Council report. The options appraisal will start to flesh out the detail of the plan; features, locations, designs, costs, timelines, funding sources etc.
April 2016: Council publishes its report from 2015 public consultations on the draft Sports Centre Improvement Plan. The plan was considered by Council Cabinet on April 19 and accepted for inclusion in Council’s forward plan. More…
“a most beautiful setting, isolated from buildings and highways and lying in a natural valley completely surrounded by trees, providing a perpetual source of health-
What’s on at the Sports Centre? Active Nation now have an online calendar which shows all the major / one off / larger than normal events. Alternatively, anyone is welcome to call Active Nation on 0300 0200 135 option 2 to find out what is going on and when. The online calendar is here: (might not work with older browsers).